Our residency, Never Stop Dancing at Gryphon Nightclub has grown into something special over its short, six month span. We set out to throw a wild party at a dope nightclub with a banging soundsystem, but now it has taken a new shape. The Never Stop Dancing name was given after the passing of our best friend and Ontildawn member Julio Buenano in October of 2010. The NSD party at the end of October was held in his honor and served as a forum for a fundraiser, which we were able to raise over $5,000 for his memorial fund. Now the party has meaning, we dance with a purpose. Every party is a celebration of life and an opportunity to honor those who have impacted each and every one of us. We ask that attendees bring an open mind, a smiling face, and a good pair of dancing shoes. This Friday, April 29th, we put the outside world aside and let music take over.
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